Tuesday, 18 December 2012

It's the Economy, stupid!

So, manufacturing fell in October 2012.  When will Osborne realise that this is a Banking Crisis (it's been more than 5 years) and so you solve it by:
1) Understanding the problem with the banking system
2) Fix it?

Osborne needs to understand the Bank Charter Act of 1844 and the fact that computers have been invented and are widely used in banking.  He does not demonstrate that he has the slightest clue what is going on.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Lord Green .....again (HSBC money laundering in US)

So, not content with overseeing LIBOR fixing, Lord Green was head of an organisation (HSBC) that was money laundering in the US.  At last the opposition has picked up the thought, that it might not be good to have someone who was head of a bank, that was clearly either dishonest or incompetent (depending on which side of the conspiracy theory divide that you sit) in the Government.  Really, Lord Green, how in all conscience do you sleep at night?  Have you no scruples at all?  Do you take no responsibility for your actions or in-actions?

HSBC to pay $1.9bn in US money laundering penalties
Link opens in new window (BBC News)

Did Lord Green really have no idea what was going on?  All business leaders that I have worked with have known exactly what was going on in the businesses that they were charged to lead.  That is what they are paid a high salary for.

It all smacks of more "rewards for failure".

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Those who ignore history...

Here is a page from the Ottawa Evening Citizen dated 2 May 1934 with a story about Mr McGeer with the headline “Mr. McGeer Says Plan Would End Depression In 24 Hours”.

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Mr. McGeer also posed the question to a Mr Towers (first Governor of the Bank of Canada) “Can you tell me why a government with power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly, and then borrow that which parliament can create itself, back at interest, to the point of national bankruptcy?”   

What do ‘they’ say about those who ignore history?  Only another 6 years!  Thanks Osborne!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Tax is a moral issue? Bollocks! - Part 2

The BBC reported today that Margaret Hodge (Public Accounts Committee) is telling off the likes of Google, Starbucks and Amazon for not paying enough tax.  I commented on this farce before in August when Jimmy Carr was lynched by the Press for doing something entirely legal.

HMRC tax collection: Margaret Hodge and Jesse Norman
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I remind Margaret Hodge and the Public Accounts Committee that tax is a legal matter.  Neither Google, Starbucks or Amazon have done anything illegal.  Please do not blame Companies who comply with the law but blame the law that allows this to happen.  Maybe Margaret Hodge and the Public Accounts Committee should aim some of their moral high handedness at the law makers.  It is Mr Cameron that does not have the moral fibre to enact a law stopping tax avoidance.  

Experts say that it is too difficult to stop the multi-nationals.  No it is not.  If a transaction occurs within UK geographic borders (purchaser or seller or both) then that transaction is subject to UK tax law.  i.e no convenient off-shore tax havens should be permitted.  If the money associated with any specific transaction goes off shore at any time, then that should be counted as tax evasion and a criminal act.

Since when has tax become voluntary?  Is the Government a charity now, trying to drum up support for donations?  It's a joke!

Put up or shut up!

Google, Starbucks and Amazon = Smart
Government = Stupid
No one, pays more tax than they have to.

Under employment

The Office for National Statistics said last week that one in ten of the workforce is under employed.  That is about three million people.  Until the slack is taken up, what chance have the unemployed got?

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I'm afraid that this is not a surprise to me, whilst the banks (5 years on) are still not lending. And, this should not be a surprise to anyone who understands our debt based money system. But, there is another way and we do not need this madness to continue.  Have a look at this website for the answer -

Positive Money
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Can you tell me why a government with power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly, and then borrow that which parliament can create itself, back at interest, to the point of national bankruptcy?

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Is Mark Carney a Trojan Horse?

The new Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, appears to me to be a Trojan Horse.  We will not get the strong leadership and desperately needed change if his record of being Governor of the Bank of Canada is anything to go by.  Here is what Victoria Grant (age 12) thought of his tenure. 

Victoria Grant explains how banks commit fraud 
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Why is a financial system that caused such havoc around the World, continues to be protected by the very people that will benefit personally from that system? 
It appears that Mr Carney may be here to just protect the status quo and his former employers.  As it seems he did for Canada.

Mark Carney welcomed by media to Bank of England post
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How can this by any measure be considered good?  Andy Haldane would have been much better. Or Adair Turner, Chair of the Financial Services Authority.  At least they demonstrate an understanding of the financial mechanisms at play.  And, why is the media supporting this appointment?  We have had 5 years of moving deck chairs.  Isn't it about time we steered away from the iceberg?

Enter with an open mind and unlearn all the economics you thought you knew.
Positive Money 
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When money drives most of the activity on the planet, 
 it’s essential that we understand it.