Saturday, 18 February 2012

Unemployment and Careers Advisors

Radio 4 – PM
17 February 2012
Eddie Mair

Eddie: Here’s what [name omitted] wrote.

I have had 2 years and 2 months being patronised by JobCentre Plus staff and their sub-contracted advisors.  I do not need "help" getting a job.  I can read and write and yes, I have maths O-level (as well as a qualification in architecture, which was a 7 year course).

Eddie: So the reason [name omitted] doesn’t have a job?

It is really very simple.  There is no work.  And, it's nothing to do with my CV, presentation at interview or other spurious psycho babble presented at courses to "help" the unemployed.
The only use these courses have is to keep the presenter employed.

For God's sake stop putting the blame on unemployed people (reinforced by JobCentre Plus processes).  It is very misplaced and to be quite honest, insulting.

Every time I go into town there is yet another shop closed.  Does no one notice?

By the way, I have had no financial help from the Government but have been living on my future.  As someone not too far from retirement age, this is very worrying.

Eddie: [Name omitted] has a similar view of the experts in spying this employment opportunity.

Set up as a careers advisor.  No intelligence or training required.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

9.9% fall in University applications in England (2012/13)

Well done the two c-words (Cameron and Clegg).  We can now look forward to a less educated workforce.  I wonder how this will impact on rebalencing the economy towards high-tech manufacturing?  Don't people in that sector need to be highly educated?

Yet another example of the Law of Unintended Consequences?  Or maybe this Government is deliberately trying to trash the future?

I think that the Government needs to work out how free further education used to be affordable.  A well educated workforce benefits all and not just the individual.  Charging for education is so wrong kills the future.  Demotivating an entire generation is really not clever.