Wednesday, 6 June 2012

An example of the Law of Unintended Consequences

I am concerned about all those dangerous people who firmly believe that they are saving the World, when in fact they are doing the exact opposite.

I think that recycling is a case in point.  I have a suspicion that water usage has increased since the widespread introduction of recycling.  I mean who wants stinking cans and stuff hanging around for 2 weeks, especially in the Summer months.

Well, this year the UK suffered it's second dry Winter in a row (I'm sure this has happened before and will happen again).  Our increased water usage makes a drought more likely, as we have developed a less robust system of dealing with a changing climate.  

It is unfortunate, that the private water companies do not monitor water usage sufficiently robustly to prove my view one way or the other.  But, I for one, wash my stinking recycling and so it stands to reason that I must be using more water than I used to.   But it would be really good to actually know the facts of the matter.

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