Friday, 28 September 2012

Open letter to Mr Clegg MP

So you have apologised for making a promise but not for breaking a promise over Tuition Fees.  And, in your Conference Speech you told us how the Liberal Democrats stood for social justice.  Well Mr Clegg, please explain how putting generations of young people into huge debt is social justice?

The increased indebtedness of our young people will ensure that there is no significant improvement in our Economy by 2015.  In addition, falling graduate numbers will ensure that the average net gain to the Treasury of £227,000* per graduate will not accrue.  A double whammy!  

As such after 40 years of voting Liberal or Liberal Democrat I cannot vote for your party again when you undermine all our future so fundamentally.

Beware the Law of Unintended Consequences!

* Source: 
Opens in new window

Update on 7 January 2013

So, as reported on BBC Radio 4 there was a 10% fall in University applications in 2011 and a further 6% fall in University applications in 2012.  Maybe Mr. Clegg should explain to us all how reducing future Treasury income is a good thing?

People do not want to be in debt.  Don't they get it?

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