Monday, 15 September 2014

Virgin vs Google

I have not been here for a while because apparently my email address is no longer compatible with my Google account.  WTF? No explanation just 'change it'.  So, I try to log onto an old email account at and they have manged to fuck it up.  Oh joy!  Then I try my Yahoo ID and they've fucked that up as well.  But to be fair they did [after a few days and emails] manage to recover it for me.  But what a rigmarole!  So now I use a Yahoo email to log onto my Google account.  More bloody passwords to remember!

Since I last scribbled here, a few things have happened!

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said this.  Chief Rabbi: Israel would not survive without weapons [Link opens in new window]

Annie K. Lamont @Radio4
Dundee history - 'Postal War Memorial Shrine' - listen to the 1921 letter written by Annie K Lamont.  A letter from a telegraph clerk to the 21st Century.  Astonishing letter from WW1 [Link opens in new window]

Wow!  How do they do that @Radio4
Searched Google.  Had to use another search engine to find it.  Useless! [Link opens in new window] 

Vicky Pryce
So we have a convicted liar advising the Government on the Economy.  From the little I have read ...she is another economist who hasn't a clue what is going on!  Economists should all be forced to read "The Grip of Death" by Michael Rowbotham [1999] [Link opens in new window] 

Funding for Lending
This stupid policy was stopped as it was Funding for Bonuses, if any bank took part at all.  [Link opens in new window]

Household Debt
This reached a record £1.4 trillion earlier this year.  Do the Government still not get it? Too much debt caused the crash in the first place! [Link opens in new window]


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