Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tax is a moral issue? Bollocks!

What a load of muddled thinking which demonstrates a breath-taking ignorance of how the tax system works.
The amount of tax paid by anyone in this Country is down to our Tax Laws and Jimmy Carr did nothing illegal.

I will pose a question to all of you.  Do you reclaim tax through a P11D for mileage, expenses or pension contributions (or any other means)?  So do you do this to avoid paying tax?  So, according to Cameron you are clearly 'morally repugnant' if you avoid paying some tax.  Or do you do this because you are legally (and this is the point) entitled to do so?  It therefore follows, that as Jimmy Carr did nothing illegal the Tax Laws must, by Cameron's reckoning, be 'morally repugnant' if they allow this to happen.

Ask yourself who is currently responsible for legislation in this Country?  Oh, that would be Cameron.  How hypocritical can you get?

I feel sure that in a Civilised Society, the tax affairs of individuals should not be governed by an envious lynch mob but by well thought out Laws that ensure everyone pays a fair level of Tax.  Just close the tax loop holes.  It really is that simple.

Governments have been talking about a general tax avoidance rule for years.  But you need to ask yourself, why are they dragging their feet on this issue?  Self interest maybe?  Just a thought.

I know someone who in purchasing a £475,000 house 'legally' paid no Stamp Duty.  So why do any of us pay Stamp Duty if it is legal to avoid paying it?  This has nothing to do with morals but much to do with poorly drafted Laws.

We believe collectively as a Country that it is morally wrong to kill another person.  As such, we pass a Law that states it is illegal to kill another person.  We do not rely on people's moral judgement.  A murderer does not say I have just killed someone and so I'll go and stay in Wormwood Scrubs for 25 years because I am morally bound to do so.  That would never happen.

The key is the Law and the operation of the Tax system has absolutely nothing to do with morals.  However, the formulation of the Laws that govern the Tax system must have a moral basis, so over to you Cameron, the man who can change things if he wants to.

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